Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sniff and Mark New iPhone App for Dog Lovers

Sniff and Mark is a fun new iPhone app to play with your dog, family, and friends.  Developed by Peter Lipa, Sniff and Mark was inspired by his Vizsla dog, Skippy, and other dogs in his family.  

In this game, real dogs are the center of the action.  Players use their gps-enabled iPhones to mark along with their dogs on their walks.  The app gives a visual presentation of the dog's changing territory and keeps track of all the states visited by the dog.

Players are able to see the other Sniff and Mark dogs that have marked in a spot earlier and can also leave messages for each other.  Sort of like how dogs leave messages for each other when marking.  [insert giggle here]  The dogs earn badges as they Sniff and Mark, and their humans can see where their dog ranks in the "winners circle."

The folks at Sniff and Mark believe every walk with your dog should be an adventure.  The Sniff and Mark iPhone app is free, so what are you waiting for?!  Learn more about it at  and fetch the download link at iTunes now.



  1. Wow...

    I'm of mixed emotions on this one :-)
    I think it would be fun.
    I think we already spend too much time on mobile devices.

    Now if we could hook it up so that the dog's activity created the map all on it's own.... ;-)

  2. Sounds interesting... but I have a dumb phone. No smart phone for this stuck-in-the-last-century gal. :)


Go ahead... bark at us!