Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: A Look Back at Snow Dogs

 We finally got a bit of snow at our house.  Wet, melty stuff.  Jeffie and Rudy love it, but it is so dreary and grey that I haven't been able to take any really good photos.  So today, we're looking back at some snowy good times when our little dog pack numbered four.  It's hard to believe that was just last year.

 Lucy with her shadow:  Rudy

 My snow dog boys:  Jeffie, Rudy, and Tucker
 One of my favorite photos of Rudy.  Definitely a retriever.
 Our sweet seniors, Lucy and Tucker, loved the snow.  
Hope there's some at the Rainbow Bridge.

 Best friends:  Rudy and Jeffie
Jeffie lost a boot way out in the yard.  Rudy retrieved it for him.
That's what best friends do.
And, finally, here's a photo of the For Love of a Dog studio.  
All is quiet out there now while this elf takes a holiday!


  1. What a cute studio! And i love the snow dog pics, looks like they had a lot of fun together.

  2. What an awesome little studio! And, cool snow pics. We had some snow the other day but it was the melty stuff too and didn't last the day.... bummer.

  3. I love the dog sweaters! I sure wish my boys would wear sweaters! Your studio is adorable and so cozy looking!

  4. Adorable! I love the photo of Rudy carrying the boot. My dogs love the snow too. Have you ever played fetch with snowballs? It's hilariously fun!

  5. Great snow shots. We finally got some snow cookies, too.

  6. Looks like a great time for your pups! I think my dog is thankful we don't get snow in Austin.

  7. I love your studio.. it seems like it's right out of a book or movie.

  8. Woof! Woof! Lovely place. So jealous of the SNOW but mom said soon I get to play in the snow again. LOVE their outfits. ENJOY! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  9. All those snowy photos...I just have to wonder what Gizmo would do if he saw snow

  10. Looks so much fun and love the sweaters :D Happy New Year xox

  11. Great photos! I hope there's snow at the bridge too. Abby only saw it once or twice, but she LOVED it!

  12. Gorgeous winter weather you have there! Cheers to you and the pups in 2013!

    Joy Light
    (TAG Colleague)

  13. Great pictures, and lovely memories. Love the photo of the studio. :-)


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