Saturday, October 19, 2013

Feral Cat Song | Dog Song Saturday

It's Saturday, so that usually means it's time for a dog song at Talking Dogs.  Not today, folks!

Instead we have a very special song in honor of National Feral Cat Dat (October 16):  Feral Cat Song.  Even if you're not a cat lover, your will love this!

Feral Cat Song was written by Karen Green and is the musical tale of a feral cat lover, set to the tune of Peggy Lee's famous Fever.   Karen is performing the song acapella here at a Best Friends No More Homeless Pet national conference in 2008.

Sorry, no cute kitty video or slide show, but I know you're going to love these lyrics.  Listen closely.  Despite a lengthy web search, I never found the lyrics so I could share them here.

Grab a cat to cuddle!  Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy Feral Cat Song by Karen Green.

Fetch some genuine dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've collected over the past few years!  And be sure to scroll down below today's featured dog song to explore some barking good blogs in today's Pet Blogger Hop.



  1. Yay for more feral cats! I found another feral cat song the other day. You've got to see this... it's hilarious!

    1. Ann, thank you... that is a great video!! Bookmarked for a future Dog Song Saturday :-)

  2. Hi Y'all!

    BOL!!! Didn't know cats could sing...

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. can I tell you how much i love this song...I am laughing my butt off at these lyrics Thank you for sharing!

    1. PS while we're sharing, i had just seen this one You'll like it

    2. Thanks, Beth! I love the Mean Kitty Song :-) Featured it a few years ago on Dog Song Saturday. Might be time for an encore.

  4. Here's to all the feral cats, MK included may you have many years of love.

  5. Well I liked it and I love our feral kitties!


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