Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dog Song Saturday: Like My Dog by Billy Currington

It's Saturday, so time for a dog song at Talking Dogs.  We hope you enjoy this country music tune Like My Dog by Billy Currington.  Don't usually care for country music?  We bet by the end of this song your toe will be tapping while you smile at this sweet puppy dog video slide show.

Celebrate the amazing acceptance and love we all receive from our canine best friends.  Wouldn't we all like people to love us like our dog?

Time to grab a dog!  Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy Like My Dog. If this puts you in the mood, fetch some more dog songs and videos at Talking Dogs.  Be sure to scroll down below today's dog song video to explore some barking good dog blogs because today is a Pet Blogger Hop.


  1. Hey it's Jet here. Hoppin' buy, nice to hear a tune...

  2. We love that song, great slide show hope they find there forever homes soon!


Go ahead... bark at us!