Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dog Song Saturday: Time Together - Tribute to a Doxie Dog

It's Saturday, so time for a dog song at Talking Dogs.  Today's selection is a very special original song written by Michael Franks.  

Time Together is the title track from Michael's Time together CD and a touching tribute to his beloved Dachshund, Flora.  Time Together is dedicated to all who have lost a much loved animal companion and the royalties from this song are donated to Hearts United for Animals in Flora's memory.

Time Together is accompanied by a lovely video tribute to Flora, the doxie dog.  Be sure to listen closely to the lyrics. 
Someday when all our heart are reassembled
Love will connect us once again
And we'll resume our time together.
Fetch all of the lyrics for Time Together at Michael Frank's website.

Grab a dog.  Better snatch a tissue or two.  Sit.  Stay.  Hug that dog.  Relax and enjoy Time Together.  

Be sure to scroll down below the dog song video to check out some barking good dog blogs because today is a Pet Blogger Hop.



  1. Woof! Woof! LOVE the background instrument ... classical guitar. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy BLOG HOP weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Hi Y'all!

    What mesmerizing eyes! Beautiful music.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Well that was a tear jerker! Flora was beautiful!


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