Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March Madness: Wordless Wednesday Not

We love March Madness and our boys in blue!  

The dog daddy and I are, admittedly, obsessed with the NCAA men's college basketball tournament.  We plan our lives around it.  

And, since, we also plan our meals and snacks around it, the dogs enjoy it, too.  Well, not the yelling and cheering.  Jeffie really hates it when we yell at the television.  There was a lot of yelling on Sunday night!

Thought you might enjoy some of the out-takes of our March Madness photo session. 

The Dog Daddy thought his favorite team needed some better representation.

So, he enlisted Rudy's help.  

Not to be outdone, I gave a little suggestion to Rosie.

Rosie had her own ideas!
And, if asked, I'm pretty sure Jeffie and Rudy would agree!


  1. Happy Wednesday woofs & huggies! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  2. Haha love Rosie's "thoughts". Our pack leaves the room during Virginia Tech football season. They think their dog daddy is nuts!

  3. aw someone who enjoys the thrill of the March madness like my family does. Sadly my boys in blue really sucked this year so we don't get the thrill of the final four.
    Next year we will take the title again!!! Go Ky Wildcats !!!
    p.s. Is it your mom that does most of the yelling at the tv? Mine does. BOL!
    Wednesday WAGS!

  4. they look too cute in those shirts

    urban hounds

  5. Awesome...we love March Madness too! Mommy went to the University of Kansas so of course she is an avid Jayhawk fan! She graduated from Wichita State so she is glad to see the Shocks doing so well but she will always cheer for the Hawks! Rock Chalk Jayhawk, GO KU!!!!

  6. Woof! Woof! Good Luck on your team. LOVE the shirts. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. I will have to agree with Rosie on that one.

  8. Good thing my dogs aren't fans of college sports. I'm sure I'd have to deal with a lot more than just toy squabbles.

  9. haha Awesome shots! :)

  10. Glad you guys enjoyed March madness! Happy WW!

  11. you guys are just too cute!!!!! Psssst...the comment above mine is spam (Mr.Anonymous)

  12. Gizmo & Oz heard lots of yelling Sunday night as we cheered on the Miami Hurricanes...and there'll be more tomorrow night I'm sure Go Canes!

  13. Our team is out already (SDSU) so we haven't been watching, but sure looks like the pups are enjoying the action. I'm with Rosie, I'd rather have the cookies! :)

  14. haha those shirts fit them perfectly!


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