Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dedicated to my Dog Loving Mom

Blackie Duke and Mom 
My love of dogs began in the womb thanks to my mother.  

When I was born, I joined a middle aged furry brother, Blackie Duke, who was a Labrador Retriever.  He was just the first of my furry siblings; I never have had human ones.

My mom was a "crazy dog lady" long before it became "fashionable."  My canine siblings enjoyed birthday parties that rivaled my own.

She was a lifelong supporter of animal welfare and, in fact, all of her dogs were rescues.

Mom passed away suddenly this past Saturday afternoon.  By now she's had many a joyous reunion with all of her dog children and dog grandchildren.

I dedicate the following poem to the memory of my dog loving mom.  Except for the sweet wine - she spent her money on dog treats - she could have written this herself.
When I Am Old 
I shall wear turquoise and soft gray sweatshirts
and a bandana over my silver hair
and I shall spend my Social Security checks on sweet wine and my dogs
and sit in my house on my well-worn chair
and listen to my dogs breathing.
I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer night
and take my dogs for a run, if my old bones will allow
and when people come to call, I will smile and nod as I show them my dogs
and talk of them and about them.
The Ones so Beloved of the Past and the Ones so Beloved of Today.
I still will work hard cleaning up after them and mopping and feeding them
and whispering their names in a soft, loving way.
I will wear the gleaming sweat on my throat, like a jewel
and I will be an embarrassment to all
and my family, who have not yet found the peace
in being free to have dogs as your Best Friends.
These friends, who always wait, at any hour, for your foot fall
and eagerly jump to their feet out of a sound sleep,
to greet you as if you are a god.
with warm eyes full of adoring love and hope that you will stay
and kiss their dear sweet heads
and whisper to their very special company.
I look in the Mirror
and see I am getting old.
This is the kind of woman I am
and have always been.
Loving dogs is easy, they are a part of me, accept me for who I am.
My dogs appreciate my presence in their lives.
When I am old this will be important to me.
You will understand when you are old
and if you have dogs to love, too.
Author Unknown


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, Sue. She sounds like a truly special woman. I'm sure she was greeted very warmly at the bridge!

    That was a beautiful poem too, it seems to fit her perfectly. I hope you find comfort knowing she is in a better place and surrounded by her furry loves.


  2. I'm so sorry about your Mom Sue.If this poem is any indication of who she was I know I would have loved her. It's a beautiful tribute

  3. Woof! Woof! Beautiful poem. So sorry to hear the passing of your mom. Lots of precious memories you'll remember her forever. Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I can't think of a better way to remember someone. :) So very sorry for your loss, Sue.

  5. Sue - what a lovely tribute. I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your mom's loving nature - she would have found many friends here.

  6. this was such a beautiful tribute to your Mom...I am so sorry I didn't find out about her passing til today.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers and in my heart

  7. So sorry about your mom. What a beautiful tribute.

  8. So sorry to hear about your mom. My sympathy to you and your family. What a lovely poem. Great tribute to a kind person.

  9. So sorry to hear about your mom. My sympathy to you and your family. What a lovely poem. Great tribute to a kind person.

  10. My thoughts are with you, Sue. Losing your mother is never easy. If you ever need to talk or need anything else, let me know. I've been there. *hugs*


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