Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Rudy's First Swimming Pool

Wow... what is it? Is it to drink?

It's a little like the pond...
Cool!  I love splashing!
How'd I get those splashes going?
I'll try some paw action!
You've got that camera again, don't you, mom?!
You don't mind if I drink this, do you?
This stuff keeps moving!
Rudy likes his new swimming pool, but it sure could be bigger!
I know I should leave these photos wordless, since this is Wordless Wednesday.  However, I can't resist sharing that I have been waiting for years to have a dog that enjoys water.  Tucker absolutely hates it.  Lucy will get just her feet wet along the creek or pond edge, but won't go near a pool.  Jeffie avoids water at all costs;  I think he's truly afraid of it. 

Dogs previous to Tucker loved water of any kind and especially a doggy pool.  That was a long time ago (Tucker is 14.)   So... I was afraid any money spent on a pool might be a total waste of time and money.  

Though he hasn't actually sat down in it yet, this little kiddie pool was definitely a hit with Rudy.  I'm enjoying it immensely!  :-)


  1. Woof! Woof! From Rudy's face ... he looks like he is having lots of FUN.Happy Wordless Wednesday! Enjoy! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Great pool shots. Bailey is terrified of water since his Golden cousins pushed him in their inground pool. We are hoping Katy will like it. This is her first year having the chance to play in it.

  3. Awwww! You're very first pool?!?! I know how that is! Mommy said that I was the first doggie she ever had that was a "real" doggie who loves water... she got me a turtle pool when I was a little puppy (but I've outgrown it and could use something bigger.. *cough*)

    So glad he enjoys it!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday woofs & hugs!

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  4. Awww! I love those photos of Rudy. I think I'll go to Wal-Mart and get one of those pools, too. I'd love to find out whether my boys like to splash in water. :)

  5. That looks like the perfect place to cool off. My dogs are strictly anti-water. It's fun to see Rudy enjoying it so.


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