Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dog Song Saturday: Jack the Bitterroot Beagle

It's Dog Song Saturday at For Love of a Dog and today we've got a Beagle dog music video for you.  The song is an original by the Kent Curtiss Band.  Featuring Jack, the Bitterroot Beagle, as he explores some of Southwestern Montana's most beautiful country.   This is part of Jack's (yes, the Beagle dog) DVD movie In Search of the Golden Bone.  Gorgeous video footage of this Beagle dog in the Montana mountains, woods, and more, accompanied by a catchy mellow tune.

So grab a Beagle, though any dog will do.  Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy Jack the Bitterroot Beagle.   Then scroll down below the dog song video and check out the pet blogs.  Today is the weekly Pet Bloggers Hop and you'll find some barking good dog blogs to explore. 


  1. Well, since I don't have beagle handy, I'll have to grab a Doodlebug. Still fun, though. Happy Hopping!

  2. Beautiful scenery. Cute dog too. :)

  3. Woof! Woof! Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Very Cute! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I am so glad you stopped by and told me to stop by!!!
    I love Beagles - they are so darn cute! Personally, I think Jack may be exceptionally cute.
    I also happen to LOVE Montana, so any chance to see it is worth it for me. Thanks for sharing an absolutely adorable video!

    Happy Saturday hopping!

  5. Bella's half(ish) Beagle, so she'll do! :)

  6. Hello movie star! Loved your's so beagley! and the location is amazing.


Go ahead... bark at us!