The hour-long documentary profiles the remarkable dedication and influence of Laura Flynn-Amato, a Staten Island woman who earned the nickname "Madonna of the Mills" for her efforts in saving the lives of some 2,000 dogs from the infamous puppy mills of rural Pennsylvania.
Among the 2,000 puppy mill survivors saved by Laura are Danny, a male golden retriever who was traumatized by a lifetime of incarceration, but overcame his phobias and now provides companionship to a family with an autistic son; Liberty, a female retriever who had a total fear of people, and tried to hide during training class with other dogs and owners; Vivien Leigh, a female cocker spaniel who had rotting teeth, sores on her paws and ears, and a skittish personality; and Maisy, another female cocker who was “de-barked” by a farmer who crushed her voice box with a lead pipe.
I want to watch this, but I worry I won't be able to make it through it!