Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dog Song Saturday: Goodbye by MC Esoteric

Can it be Saturday already?  You bet!  That means its time for another dog song from For Love of a Dog.  

Today's song is Goodbye aka Max written and performed by hip hop artist MC Esoteric.  This is the original unreleased version of this song.  Recorded about 2006 after the passing of his wife's family dog, a Springer Spaniel named Domino.  The song was inspired by Domino and Esoteric's old Irish Setter, Boo.  Here the song is set to footage of his current dog, Logan and his buddies playing.

I know I keep telling you that I'm not a big fan of hip hop music, yet this is not the first MC Esoteric song we've included in our Dog Song Saturday feature.  This guy is a dog lover.  Big time dog lover.   Beautiful music (yes, I said that) and lyrics that will require a tissue or two.

So, grab a dog or two.  Sit.  Stay.  Let that tension drift away while you relax and groove to Goodbye by MC Esoteric.   Then scroll down below the music video and sniff out some barking good dog blogs because today is a Pet Blogger Hop!


  1. Hello! Just stopping by from the blog hop. Have a great day.

  2. Dropping off some late night Saturday woofs & hugs!! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  3. lost my springer earlier this month, hardest thing ive ever gone through, he was with me for most all of my life

    miss you champ, biggest baby in the world


Go ahead... bark at us!