Monday, April 18, 2011

Missouri Puppy Mills: Rally to Save Prop B on April 20

The Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation (MAAL), along with other supporters of MO Prop B the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act, are planning a rally this Wednesday, April 20 to urge Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to veto SB 113.  

Last week the Missouri House of Representatives passed SB 113 which repeals Prop B.  Now the fate of thousands of dogs living in Missouri puppy mills rests in the hands of Governor Nixon.

They'll have signs and t-shirts with special messages that the Governor can't ignore.  If you live in St Louis or Kansas City you can attend the event via the Humane Trains - special buses provided.  These buses will depart at 12:30 pm from each of those cities.  If you plan to attend and ride a Humane Train bus, you'll need to RSVP so they can keep a spot for you.

For more information you may contact MAAL at 314-361-3944 or toll free 877-444-6225.

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