Monday, March 31, 2014

Disappearing Dog Tags | Monday Mischief

That's a lot of dog ID tags, right?

No, we've not added more than a dozen dogs to our pack.   

I've just given up on our Rubit dog tag clips.

Way back in the summer of 2011, I was lucky enough to win a contest at the Chronicles of Cardigan.  

The prize was a Rubit Dog Tag Clip. Very cool little gizmo that looked very handy.  No more broken fingernails and no more pliers just to change dog collars.

The dogs could make the appropriate fashion statement without me muttering over a pair of needlenose pliers.  I loved it!

The original Rubit Dog Tag Clip

In fact, I loved them so much that I immediately ordered more.  One for each of my dogs, plus some as gifts for Christmas that year.

Like many love affairs, mine with the Rubit is over.

Rosie's was the first to go.  Where did it go?  I have no idea.  Along with it went her ID tag, her rabies tag, and her microchip tag.    

I replaced all three on a new Rubit.  Within 2 weeks they were all gone again.  Though I realize the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...  I replaced the whole set again.

Gone.    Rudy's were the next to go.   Jeffie's disappeared last week.

Actually, the Rubit magically appeared on the deck a few days later.  No tags.

Rubit, but no tags.
At this point I think when our vet's office staff see one of us, they know what we need is a replacement rabies tag.  It's embarrassing.

So, I ordered some cheap  inexpensive ID tags.  Lots of them.   Already added them to the dogs' everyday collars and will be pawning the job onto the Dog Daddy of putting them on the dogs' other collars soon.

How did they come off the collars?  What happened to the tags?   Must be some Rubit elves out there somewhere and they've been up to a whole lot of mischief!

You still have time to enter our Alcott Adventures $25 gift certificate giveaway.

Talking Dogs is the official blog of For Love of a Dog Jewelry 

Thank you to Snoopy’s Dog Blog, Alfie’s Blog, and My Brown Newfies for hosting Monday Mischief!  


  1. Odd. My tag do disappear once in while. Mom think you're right about the elves LOL.

  2. we found a similar clip to those at Petco - a pack of two cost $2.99 and they are still hanging on with tags still there...we have had them over 2 years now.

    1. I've looked at other clips, but am thinking I'll just get one of those nifty special pliers that will open a split ring instead :-)

  3. I do not even see HOW the tags could fall off the Rubit never mind where all the Rubits with tags went! You could be right about the elves.

    1. I don't get it either, Oz. The first time, I thought it was rowdy play because the whole thing disappeared. Rowdy play or not, when Jeffie's Rubit re-appeared - with no tags attached - I decided to give up!

  4. I have one of those collars with his name and phone number embroidered into it. No Tags.

    1. I've had those before and love them. However, these days each dog has a few collars, so I've gone the tags route.

  5. Wow, that is weird. Torrey has a collar with one of those plates with all her info sewn onto the collar. I don't like jingly tags, and this will never fall off.

    1. It is strange! I'm one of those people who likes the jingle of tags :-)

  6. Wow. That is odd that they all started coming off at once. I wonder if the metal just wears down and the slip off?

  7. We had a Rubit too - I thought it was great as well (since those ring attachment thingies are impossible to use!). But then it disappeared - luckily only w/ Rita's "beach" tag (not the rabies/microchip ones as those were on her good collar). Wish they'd come up with an easy, permanent way to keep all the tags on the collar! (If I was more entrepreneurial I guess I'd try to come up with one!)

  8. We were going to order those clips but didn't because we heard of them coming off. So far, paws crossed, we have only lost one set of tags ever. It is a real pain getting new ones, and it can add up in dollars as well.

  9. those elves mst have left our house and gone to yours ,we have lost tags and found them months or years later
    retro rover

  10. I wonder what happened to all those tags. Sadie has a pretty pink Rubit that she is still using. I love how easy it makes changing collars. I hope hers doesn't mysteriously disappear.

  11. I had the same thing and lost all of our tags, too. :-(

    New follower of your blog! Found you on the MPBH!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm behind in my hop reading, but will be heading to your blog in minutes :-)

  12. I lost all of my tags once, we called the vet to get replacements they told us you technically don't have to wear them as long as you have records. Now I just wear one of those custom tags with my name, address & phone no. Haven't lost one yet. Love Dolly

    1. The last replacement rabies tags are NOT on any collars. They're all in a file in case we ever need them. Ditto the microchip tags.

  13. That is a mystery, I can see how it might come unattached from the collar but the tags off of it too? I love your idea of getting many id tags and having them ready to go.

  14. I get this with my cat, i've given up on collars and tags :( he never goes far from home. As for my pup, so far I have not had to.replace any tags. But I feel your pain with breaking nails, it's like mini torture :(

  15. But those rings are so difficult to open! The dogs must know something that we don't know!

  16. We got one Rubit clip and it seemed to be working well so I was going to order more. Now I'm thinking again about that! I just want to be able to change collars more often without my hubby giving me a dirty look when I ask him to change the tags! I can't do it myself without breaking my nails or losing patience. We've lost tags off of regular hooks too, but usually because they've worn out at the hole.

  17. A cheap/secure way to put tags on and to be able to remove them is to use a small zip-tie to secure it to the loop on the collar. Then when time to change collars, cut it off and replace.

  18. We have to use very durable, heavy steel loops to attach our takes to collars that the dogs run in. We also have some collars with the id info on a flat tag that is permanently attached to the collar.

  19. Those elves sure have been super busy!! Mine kept vanishing for a while too and then my Mum made a more secure way to keep them on with a small hair band that she looped over lots of times, they've not come off once in years


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