Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Old Dog | Dog Song Saturday

It's Saturday, so time for a dog song music video at Talking Dogs.  Today's feature celebrates senior dogs with the song My Old Dog.  A barking good video slide show includes many different dog breeds working and just hanging out.

So, grab a dog, a senior if you've got one.  Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy this mellow country ballad, My Old Dog.

Fetch some genuine dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've collected over the past few years.


  1. what a sweet sentiment

    retro rover

  2. I love the seniors, puppies are sweet, but the seniors touch my heart.

  3. Thank you for sharing that was a great video, your right some really nice lyrics and the pictures were great. So true! Miss my old dog!

  4. So sweet, thank you for sharing!


Go ahead... bark at us!