Wednesday, January 15, 2014

More Snow Dogs | Wordless Wednesday

 Such crazy weather!  Snow, then arctic temps with more snow!
Rosie, Jeffie and Rudy loved it all.

The Talking Dogs version of tag was very popular.

Why bite snow when you can bite one another?!

 I think, maybe, Jeffie is "it."

 Of course, just jogging around is fun, too.

 Love Rudy's new EzyDog elements jacket!

Rosie's favorite snow activity?  
Sticking her face into the snow as deep as she can.

Oblivious to that white stuff on her face.

My snow princess, Rosie

Talking Dogs is the official blog of For Love of a Dog Jewelry.


  1. It looks very cold in there , but you guys are having so much fun ... so let it snow

  2. My dogs love sticking their faces in the snow. Your Rosie reminds me of my Lilah, who is also all black. When she picks her muzzle up out of the snow, she reminds me of a powdered donut!

    (BTW, I used to have a Rosie dog; she was a wonderful pup!)

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

    Live with dogs? Cats? Both? Join the Google+ Community, Life with Dogs and Cats!.

    1. My Rosie is such a nut! Most of my dogs have liked to eat snow. Some love to roll in it. Rosie loves to stick her head in it AND roll in it - LOL

  3. Good gracious, with all that snow you really need those snazzy jackets! Wonderful photos, lots of joy there.

  4. LOL brought a smile to my face. We have been having freezing cold, snow and then two days later it is 50 degrees. Winter can't make up its mind.

  5. Such great romping through the snow photos! How do you like the EzyDog jacket? Just curious...
    Happy WW,

    1. Oz, we LOVE the EzyDog jacket. Seriously. It is the easiest to put on and take off, ever. And it's perfect for an active dog like Rudy - doesn't get in his way. Here's our full review

  6. Looks like they had a blast! I wish we would get some snow here in Tennessee. I have a 4 month old golden retriever that I'm sure would love to frolic in the snow.

    1. I bet your puppy would LOVE to romp in some snow! However, be careful what you wish for... all this snow is very unusual for our area of the Ozarks and the cold set 40 year records!

  7. Yahoo!!! I just love to watch the dogs playing in the snow, and yours really seem to enjoy it! Most of our snow has melted or washed away, I hope we'll get some fresh stuff soon.

  8. That looks so fun! My dogs bite each other too!

  9. looks like you were having a ball! Happy New Year - WOOF WOOF!

  10. Beautiful pictures. You know how I love action shots! Snow face shots are a close second. :)

  11. How did I almost miss this post? They are all so cute!!! I love their jackets too. Maya and Pierson don't have jackets. With as cold as it has been lately, I should consider.


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