Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dog by You Scream I Scream | Dog Song Saturday

It's Saturday, so time for a dog song at Talking Dogs.  This is, paws down, one of my favorite dog song music videos.  A hilarious video of dogs driving cars and adopting humans is accompanied by the song Dog by You Scream I Scream.

Grab a dog.  Sit. Stay. Relax and enjoy Dog by You Scream I Scream.  And if you have to howl at the antics of these charming canines... that's okay, too!

Fetch more dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've collected over the past few years!  And be sure to scroll down below today's featured dog song to explore some barking good blogs in today's Pet Blogger Hop.

Talking Dogs is the official blog of For Love of a Dog Jewelry.


  1. That's adorable. LOL. They waved at each other with a funny looking paw.

    Thank you for educating me about Brucellosis. It's the first time I have heard of it.

  2. what a cute little boxer

    urban hounds

  3. I love it when dogs are conversant. Keep yapping!

  4. This video is so cute and funny! It's great even without the music!
    Boy, how different things would be if dogs ran things and got to adopt us!


Go ahead... bark at us!