Friday, August 16, 2013

Follow-up Friday: Senior Dogs, Book Giveaway, Rooting Puppy

I'm happy to be joining Heart Like a Dog in the follow-up Friday blog hop this week.  This is the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.  Hosted by FUF creator, Jodi at Heart Like a Dog and co-hosted this week by Flea from Jones Natural Chews. 

First of all, I have a confession to make about the Apple Cheddar Cheese Scone recipe:  the dogs love them.  In fact, they pretty much go crazy with much excited panting and a bit of high pitched keening (that would be Jeffie), begging for these scones.  Since none are allergic to any of the ingredients and none have a weight problem, we indulge them.

Thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments about Jeffie this past Wednesday.  He actually answers to "my beautiful boy."   And though he still adores Rita, he was thrilled with the flirtatious comment from Harper Lee.

All the charts and calculations to determine when a dog is a senior kind of amuse me.  A few years ago I wrote a blog post about Tucker and Lucy and their ages.  According to one chart that factored in breed and size, they both should have been dead.  Instead, they were approaching their 14th and 13th birthdays.

I don't need a chart to know how much joy my beautiful, soulful boy brings to my life! 

A reminder about  Crazy Bitch: Living with Canine Compulsive Disorder Book Review - If you haven't already read my review of this nonfiction book about canine mental illness and bullying, you should.  Plus, author Peggy Tibbetts has graciously offered to giveaway one copy to a lucky Talking Dogs blog reader.  Enter now!

Remember all the puppy photos of Rosie with dirt on her nose and when I shared the video of Rosie vole hunting with Rudy's assistance?  Well, my little black piglet continues to root around in the dirt, hunting for voles.  Not a good thing with the monsoons of rain and flash flooding we had last week.  The vet confirmed a spot of fungal infection on her snoot yesterday.  It will be pretty interesting to see if we can keep the salve on enough of the time to ditch the cooties!

And, finally, if I can get it together to scan some old photos, next week I'm hoping to share another farm story.  In honor of Flea's first FUF co-hosting gig, I'm thinking I'll tell you why it's not a good idea to turn your windshield wipers on when you're taking geese to the pond for a swim.  Good idea?


  1. Hi Sue, thanks so much for joining the hop!! I just caught up on all your posts that I have missed while I've been vacationing. Since I couldn't comment on all of them, I decided to do it all here. :-D

    One) Your HS must have a really great photographer because the dogs you showcase are amazing. I want each and every one of them!

    Two) Dog TV, I wondered if Skeeter was thinking, "Good lord are those real dogs? Don't I have enough to deal with, with the three that are already here?"

    Three) As always, your jewelry is beautiful. I'm eying a bracelet but I can't decide which one. :-)

    Have a great weekend and thanks for joining the hop!

    1. Jodi, nobody ever needs to apologize to me for being behind in their reading because I am ALWAYS behind! The HSMO does usually have terrific photos of the dogs in their shelters, plus I really love their videos. Shows so much more about the dogs.

      LOL. Actually, I think Skeeter thinks that she is a dog!

      Thanks so much re: my jewelry :-) Let me know if you ever need a discount code ;-)

  2. Oh my dog! I can't wait to hear your story about taking the geese to the pond!! Speaking of geese, Ryan decided, just last night, that it was time to go. She was here when I left the house in late afternoon, then gone when we got home. Jimmy is NOT happy. He has been wandering around, quacking. No feathers, no carnage - we assume she migrated. :(

    1. I can't decide if it is good news RG took off or not. In a way, it is simply natural (therefore good), but kind of sorry for Jimmy! Were there geese in the area? You think he headed out following a flock or solo? I think we're headed for an early winter because geese and duck flocks have already been flying south overhead.

      Heh, heh... Flea, you take chickens into your house. I used to drive around with geese in the front seat... ;-)

  3. Oh no! Sorry to read about Rosie's fungal infection! Good luck with the treatment!

    Thanks for all the support and suggestions with Sherman! It is very much appreciated!

    1. We're finding it impossible to control a tongue from licking a lip... :-( Hopefully enough of this junk is getting rubbed in!
      You're very welcome re: Sherman. When Tucker needed his first ACL surgery, I'd never heard of it before, didn't know anyone who had, and felt really alone! You are so prepared that things should go just as smoothly as possible!

  4. Thanks for being honest about sharing the tasty scones with your dogs. We share nibbles of all sorts of things, and hate feeling the judgment from the "Well, *I* never feed *my* dogs any table food" folks. I'm always like, "Well, good for you! Sharing with our dogs promotes pack bonding and we like it! So take your judgment elsewhere!" (P.S. I *hate* spelling 'judgment' without a E, but supposedly, that is the correct American spelling.)

    Jeffie IS a beautiful boy! Forget about him being a senior. I don't know why they (the powers that be?) even try to make any hard and fast rules about senior dogs. Everyone knows that age varies from dog to dog. I've seen 8-year-old dogs that look ancient and 12-year-olds that look like puppies. It's all relative.

    Okay wait, taking geese to the pond for a swim? Driving around with geese in your car? Oh lol, I can just imagine being at a stoplight, glancing over at the vehicle next to me, and seeing a lady with geese. I'd probably think you were little cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and then get in a wreck as I struggle to snap a phone pic as you're driving away.

    Sorry to hear about the fungal infection. Trying to keep ointment on is the worst. They're dogs... of course they're going to lick it off! Last time we had to deal with such a situation, the vet said to spend a long time rubbing it in, that way if it got licked off, hopefully it was on long enough to do some good. I guess it's all you can do. In between ointment sessions, you might also dab with it with a half/half mixture of vinegar and water. Might sting a little if it's raw, but it's a good fungus killer and non-toxic if she licks any.

    1. I know exactly what you mean about the judgment from the "Well, I never..." crowd. Our dogs are part of the family and we share nibbles of lots of things, plus cook "human" food especially for them, too. (Well, that human food cooked for dogs is mostly veggies.)

      I do "get" that Jeffie is a senior dog. Not only is he a very large dog (very tall and 96 lbs of zero fat), but we're watching his muzzle turn white.

      Well, I never took the geese for a drive off the farm... so no accidents caused by me and the Peepers. lol

      Though the Rx salve is supposed to be applied twice a day, we're doing it about whenever we think about it and rubbing it in good. So far it is looking better, in spite of being in so close proximity to Rosie's tongue! Thanks, Pan!

  5. Geez, being a hound who is very fond of her nose that fungal infection sounds terrible! A nose would be hard to keep medicine on since it is in the water, dirt, pretty much everywhere! As for senior dogs, I think it is like people. Some are 80 and appear to be 60, some are 60 and act like 80. As long as the pup is healthy and happy, age is just a number :)

    1. You're so right, Emma. You're only as old as you feel and Jeffie feels just fine :-)

  6. Great follow-up! But what is with turning the windshield wipers on when taking geese for a swim?!? Huh?!? I will definitely have to come and read THAT post.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Miss Sue. *Cairn cuddles* for the whole crew!

    1. You'll just have to wait and see about the geese and the windshield wipers, Oz :-p

  7. I'm not sure I'd be willing to share those apple cheddar cheese scones. You all are lucky - except for Rosie. I can't believe you have cooties, Rosie! We still love you, poor thing.

    1. These scones do not last long at our house. lol. Sadly, Rosie seems to understand the word "cooties" now... ;-)

  8. Well, Rita is very relieved to hear that, even after a little flirting from Miss H.L., that she still has Jeffie's heart! She sends him some nose pokes. (She's not much of a kisser.)

    Those scones sound/look amazing. I make scones here at least once a month on Sunday mornings and they are a big hit. We also share a bit of our "human" food with our dogs. I don't really subscribe to the whole "human" food vs. "dog" food thing. For what, 1000s of years - or 10s of 1000s - dogs ate humans' scraps. If the dogs don't have allergies or weight problems, I think a little sharing if fine!

    Poor Rosie. Hope her nose problem goes away quickly!

    1. Jeffie sends some nose pokes right back to Rita :-)

      Jackie, if you like scones, you really need to try this recipe! We love 'em and used to make a variation every weekend. The dogs stand vigil in the kitchen for these (and biscuits) while they're being made. They know they're in for a tasty treat.

  9. Can't wait for the farm story. Hope Rosie's fungal gal clears up soon. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! My poor cootie girl doesn't understand our fascination with her snoot ;-)

  10. Terribly behind. Great FUF.

    Thunder has decided he is not a senior and won't be participating in any senior Just kidding. We can see him taking longer to recover after running hard.


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