Saturday, October 1, 2016

He's Fine A Song for Irresponsible Dog Owners on Dog Song Saturday

As you listen to today's dog Song Saturday selection... well, we'll just say we've all been there and met up with some of the dog owners this song is rapping about.

No, we don't really understand the whole chicken thing in the video, but listening to the lyrics we found ourselves nodding in agreement.

Sit.  Stay.  Maybe even vent a bit as you listen to He's fine - A song for Irresponsible Dog Owners by Mediocre.

Then fetch some more genuine dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've collected over the past few years.

1 comment:

  1. Shit, I could add a ton of behaviors to that video. LOL
    And what is UP with that chicken? And is that a cigarette in its mouth?
    Loved this, it could be the theme on my blog. hehehe


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