Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pound Dog Rescue Song by The Fastest Poodle - Dog Song Saturday

How about a little rockabilly for today's Dog Song Saturday?  Check out The Pound Dog - Rescue Dog Song from The Fastest Poodle and featuring The Wolf Rock Band.

We completely agree:  rescue animals make wonderful pets!

Sit. Stay. Tap your paws to The Pound Dog Then fetch more dog songs and music videos at Talking Dogs. You'll be surprised at how many we've collected!


  1. That’s a very groovy beat for a dog song. The video is adorable too! It’s not every day that you get to see videos like this.

  2. Snappy beat and adorable pup for a Saturday! 🐾

  3. I really liked the video!!! Love The Pound Dog beats!!!


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