Saturday, December 26, 2015

When You Come Home A Song Your Dog Wrote by @BrendanBiondi | Dog Song Saturday

We've got a great new dog song for you today!  We love Brendan Biondi and he's written a new original dog song.  When You Come Home - A Song Your Dog Wrote is from his new album Songs My Dog Wrote.

All of the songs on Songs My Dog Wrote are written from a dog's point of view and are based on the positive things Brendan's dog has taught him. The album is available on iTunes.  The video features Brendan and his yellow Lab, Calvin. 

Calvin is an AKC/Red Cross certified therapy dog who visits the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the Armed Forces Retirement Home in DC with Brendan and his partner Christen.
"Who would have thought how much a dog could inspire you and change your life for the better?  I've learned so much from my dog, Calvin." ~Brendan Biondi
Part of the proceeds from sales of Songs My Dog Wrote will go to support Dogs on Deployment, a non-profit which helps connect service members with volunteers who are willing to board their pets during their owner's service commitments.  The rest of the proceeds will go to support an independent artist (Biondi) and his very hungry Labrador Retriever.

Sit. Stay. Get ready to tap your toes and smile while you listen to When You Come Home by Brendan Biondi.
Then fetch some more genuine dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've collected over the past few years.  Including another barking good dog song from Brendan Biondi called Song My Dog Wrote.

1 comment:

Go ahead... bark at us!