It's Saturday! Time for a dog song from For Love of a Dog! Today's selection is technically not really a song about dogs. However, A Little More of You, performed by Ashley Chambliss on her album Nakedsongs, is a lovely song about needing just a little more time. As pet lovers, we've certainly all felt that way. At least I know I have.
A Little More of You accompanies a video letter written by a veterinarian. Jessica Braun, DVM composed this letter to her dog, a rescued black Labrador Retriever, Stoupie Braun. I won't say more because I don't want to spoil it for you.
Then scroll down below the video to surf some barking good dog blogs because today is a Pet Blog Hop. And they're sure to cheer you up!
Hi Y'all,
ReplyDeleteMaybe two boxes of kleenex! At least my Human could have used two.
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog