Saturday, August 23, 2014

Fancy Parody by Iggy Azalea | Dog Song Saturday

It's Dog Song Saturday at Talking Dogs!  Most of my favorites are original songs written for or about dogs.  However, I sometimes just can't resist "dog songs" that are just plain fun.   Like this one:  Fancy.  It's another very clever parody from the folks at The Pet Collective.

Fancy - Iggy Azalea parodies the popular hit  Royals by Lorde.  Adorable video of dogs and puppies all dressed up "fancy."

Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy Iggy Azalea - Fancy by dogs music video.  Then fetch more dogs songs.  You'll be surprised at how many we've found!


  1. I love this song and I am sitting here laughing my butt off at this parody! Love it! lol

  2. That is so funny! Thanks for finding these songs so we can enjoy them.☺


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