Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Celebrate National Dog Day on August 26

 Jeffie is smiling because today is National Dog Day!

 Rosie is sure treats, Jolly ball, 
and tummy rubs are involved.

Rudy knows every day is Dog Day at our house!

Founded in 2004 by pet lifestyle expert and author Colleen Paige, National Dog Day was created to honor dogs more than we currently do, to give them "a day", to show deep appreciation for our long connection to each other - for their endearing patience, unquestioning loyalty, for their work, their capacity for love and their ability to impact our lives every day in the most miraculous ways.

Happy National Dog Day 
from all of us at 
Talking Dogs and For Love of a Dog Jewelry!


  1. Every day is/should be a dogs day :)

  2. Hi Y'all!

    Have a great National Dog Day! Celebrate us pawed ones everybody!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Those are such terrific smiles! Happy National Dog Day!

  4. We are pretty sure every day is dog day at our place :)

  5. Happy National Dog Day!! Love seeing those adorable babies! xoxo

  6. We were smiling until we heard we are all heading to the vet in a few minutes for our checkups. Oh no!

  7. Yes everyday is dog day at out house too! Love Dolly

  8. Enjoy the day! We are cat bloggers but love dogs too :-0

  9. Enjoy your day! Everyday should be national dog day. mauh.

  10. Hooray, Its National Dog Day. Although, it feels like national dog day everyday at our house too.

  11. Happy National Dog Day! We didn't do anything extra today. Just the usual walk, belly rubs, treats, and playtime. Everyday is National Dog Day here. :)


Go ahead... bark at us!