Friday, June 28, 2013

Follow-up Friday: Dog Treats Toys Tornadoes

I'm happy to be joining Heart Like a Dog in the follow-up Friday blog hop this week.  This is the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.  Hosted by FUF creator, Jodi at Heart Like a Dog and co-hosted this week by JoAnn from Sand Spring Cheseapeakes.

The really big excitement this week - well, for the dogs, anyway - was that their prizes arrived from Pooch Smooches giveaway.  Jeffie, Rudy, and Rosie received 3 package of KONG jerky treats.  Thanks, Jackie & Rita!
Rudy has very good manners.  Good boy, Rudy!

Rosie has no time for manners when mama is holding a KONG jerky treat!

Jeffie was especially thrilled because the KONG treats arrived via FedEx.  Jeffie becomes a raging madman when UPS and FedEx deliver packages.  I think he believes it is his mission in life to guard us from them.  Rita really turned Jeffie's head at his birthday party.  He was pretty sure she was flirting with him.  When I told him we'd won the giveaway, he confessed he had a thing for Rita.   When Rita sent Jeffie the FedEx man...  it was LOVE!

Rosie's new swimming pool toys arrived from  They're very cool!  The KONG Wet Wubba is such a bright yellow!  And the ChuckIt duck really does bob in the water and stay upright.

Unfortunately, there are only two chances you'll ever see them in action:  slim and none.  There's no way I'm taking my camera anywhere near the pool.  Plus, Rosie is not actually swimming yet.  Wearing her new Kyjen life preserver for safety, she's only comfortable when she's in her mama's arms.   Hopefully, she'll mellow out with the whole thing and I'll be able to take some pictures later in the summer.

In the meantime, we have to keep dog towels near the doors.  Every time she goes out, she throws herself into her doggie pool!

Monday Mischief: Monkey Murder Follow Up
I should have repeated what I've said before... we call all dog toys at our house "monkeys."  Obviously, this was a football.  It has now gone to that place where dead monkeys go.  The trash.  Yes, we do have a monkey hospital.  I love being the surgeon because all the dogs gather around to watch the procedure.  They all dance with happiness when the surgery is successful.  Note:  our cat Skeeter would not be caught dead playing with any monkey.  Playing with toys is waaaaay beneath her!

Believe it or not, we have lots of "vintage" monkeys - some as old as 15 years.  They are well loved, but not torn up.  Our dogs single a few out, now and then, but for the most part they're soft mouthed.  It's a retriever thing.  It is always the puppies at our house who make sure that monkey heaven is populated.

Wordless Wednesday: Puppy Eyes Follow Up
Believe it or not, absolutely no treats of any kind were involved in this shot. When they update the dictionary this year, they'll be adding one word to the definition of Sweet:  Rosie

Oklahoma Tornado Pet Adoption Event  Follow Up 
When the big tornado hit nearby Joplin and I read Hanah's story (which I continue to follow), it scared the you-know-what out of me.

When the tornado warnings are issued, my dogs are with me when I take shelter.  My dogs are microchipped and when we go to the vet's office, I have them scan them just to make sure they're still easy to find.  My dogs wear their collars and tags at all times since then (Joplin.)  There is no doubt in my mind that - God forbid - if we were wiped out... among the immediate things I would do, is make sure I've got my dogs.   If we lived in a flood area, I would not evacuate without my dogs.

All that being said... if my house and everything in it, my car and everything else was gone... I don't know how long it would take for me to locate the emergency shelter to claim my dogs.  If I had no cell phone anymore, no computer, no nothing.   If someone near and dear to me were taken by the storm.  I don't know....    

I do know that there are millions of people who do not value their pets like I do.  (If they did, the shelters would be empty.)   Do I wish all the Oklahoma tornado victim pets had been claimed?  You betcha.   But I haven't "walked in their shoes" and I don't want to.  And I'm going to shut up now.

Except to say:  please spread the word about this event so that these pets can find new, loving homes. 

That's my follow-up for the week.  Join the hop and let us know what you've been up to!


  1. Great follow-up Sue, thank you for joining the blog hop. Rosie sure is a sweetie, you can see it by looking at her. Honestly they all look so sweet I don't know how you get anything done.

    I had to go back and read my comment on the tornado piece to make sure I hadn't come across wrong, like you my pets are the top most priority and I realize that not all people feel the same. I can't but feel sad for the poor animals who have been displaced by the tornado.

    I hope they all find good homes.

    1. Jodi, I received a couple emails from people who I believe were simply shooting from the hip. I feel terrible for the pets displaced by natural disasters. I know in Joplin the emergency shelter was not set up to look for owners... it was up to owners to constantly check in (and hope their pets had been found), which would be pretty difficult without a home, car, etc.

  2. Oh my, it looks like Rita made three doggies VERY HAPPY! What bright, smiling faces. I am like Jeffie; I need to protect Ma from the UPS and FedEx men though I am always happy when they leave me a package. BOL
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Great follow up!

    Rita's heart is all aflutter over here. She thinks Jeffie is cute, CUTE! And an older man too..... She just swooned.

    Wow - 15 year old vintage monkeys. That's impressive.

    Funny about "two chances." We say that in my family too, only it's "three chances" - slim, fat, and no. :)

  4. Those KONG treats were a big hit around here too...Gizmo loves our maillady Pamela...If I'm around when she comes by he goes out to chat with her and she loves to see what's in the packages he gets...Rosie sure has grown up pretty

    1. Rosie says: thank you! Luckily our mail is delivered up at the road (about a quarter mile away) or I'm quite sure Jeffie would need to protect us from him, too ;-)

  5. Katie and I love it when the UPS, FedEx or Mailman show up...usually it is a package for me and I share with Katie. Sometimes it is for mom which is such a bummer as she never seems to get edible items in the mail! We had our first experience with Kong Treats after mom brought them back from Blogpaws and we sure like them!

    1. Jeffie loves getting packages, so you'd think he'd love the delivery peeps... go figure!

  6. Congrats on your nummy treats. kong wet wubba never saw it but excited about it. saw a bunch of people at premier using canvas wubbas for dock jumping. thing the wet one would be a better choice now.

    1. Love the Wet Wubba! Very little drip - dries so fast! You definitely should give one a try. They come in a couple of sizes and if I remember right, ours is the smaller size.

  7. Good tips on what to do to help locate pets after a disaster. The main reason we chipped was in case something happened like a car accident or a natural disaster. I feel badly for the pets who have not been claimed, but as you say their people may not be in a position to do so. I hope they find good homes.


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