Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Close Encounter of the Skunk Kind

Is that a challenge?
Looks like the skunk is sticking his tongue out at Rudy!

As in:  Come and get me, dawg!


  1. Woof! Woof! Oh No ... Yes Ewwww! Happy Wordless Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. BOL, you made the right choice, Rudy!

  3. Haha... my dog has been skunked... TWICE! I think you made the right choice!

  4. Smart move Rudy...Dawgs much smarter than skunks...No tomater juice baf fur you my pal *snoogles*

  5. Rudy run!!! A skunk is no friends to dogs and it is a crazy type of bath that you will have to take!!!!
    Wagging Wordless Wednesday!

  6. Good choice on not inviting that furry creature in!

  7. Oh good job for not chasing that thing. Smart.

  8. Few things put such terror in a pet owners heart than a roving skunk! Great photo!

  9. Hey Rudy, Hey Jeffie, Jet here. Hi Miss Sue.

    A skunk? Wow, you have such a close up picture... they are so pretty, yet so stinky!

  10. I've never had a dog of mine encounter a skunk and I hope I never do! Although, I have seen baby skunks before. I used to volunteer at a wildlife rescue organization. Baby skunks are so adorable. Did you know they pounce on their front feet and make a weird noise before they turn around to spray? That is, of course, if the opportunity allows. Rudy, I can't get over how much you look like my Maya!!!

  11. Rodrigo was sprayed by a skunk last year. Sydney is a little smarter. We haven't had a skunk on our property in a long time so hopefully they'll pass us by from now on. It was horrible.

  12. Oh, you are a smart smart doggy, Rudy! I hope Rita will be that smart if we are ever in a similar situation!

  13. Good for you that you passed on that fun! They are kinda cute. But ... Couple times a skunk visited our yard, fortunately when nobody was out there.


Go ahead... bark at us!