Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dog Song Saturday: A Dachshund Cart Dog

It's Saturday, so time for a dog song at Talking Dogs!  Today's dog song music video is Olive's Song.  

An original song by Eric Watson, Olive's Song is available on his Sand In Our Toes CD.  As you can see from the music video, this song is about a Dachshund dog, Olive.  According to her owner, Olive was a very special little Doxie girl who eventually became a cart dog.  The song explores what Olive might be thinking about her life.

Grab a dog.  Sit. Stay.  Relax and enjoy a sweet ballad, Olive's Song.   If you're in the mood, fetch more dog song music videos at Talking Dogs.   Then be sure to scroll down below today's video to explore some barking good blogs because today is the Pet Blogger Hop.


  1. Nothing like a thoughtful song to get Saturday rolling :-) Thanks Sue!

  2. Hey Jeffie, Hey Rudy, Jet here. Hi Miss Sue.

    How sweet, we sent this to Miss Mary Ann and Dixie, our mini-doxie pal.

  3. Sweet! I bet she doesn't even notice the cart.


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