Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Missouri Puppy Mill Shut Down in Verona

Photo: KMOX CBS St.Louis
According to KMOX news in St Louis and the Humane Society of Missouri, another puppy mill has been shut down.  Animal care inspectors from the Missouri Department of Agriculture removed 18 dogs from Charles Etenburn's commercial dog breeding facility, C E Kennel on Monday, April 16

Etenburn had repeatedly failed recent inspections by the MDA and was unable to meet the requirements of the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act for kennel space, flooring and unfettered access to the outside.

The dogs included Pekingese, Poodles, Havanese/Shih Tzu, Labradoodle and French Bulldogs. One of the dogs is blind.  Several of the dogs appeared to have eye problems and matted coats.  The HSMO also reported that some of the dogs had severe skin infections.  As soon as they are healthy, as many of the dogs as possible will be made available for adoption.
Debbie Hill, HSMO VP Operations with matted Labradoodle. Photo: KMOX CBS St.Louis
This is a commercial dog breeder who has had problems with state officials previously.  In March he entered into a settlement agreement with MDA and the Missouri Attorney General's Office and agreed to close his facility after not renewing is license in 2012.  On April 13, Etenburn agreed to surrender his animals.

Etenburn must now refrain from owning or operating any business subject to the Animal Care Facilities Act and the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act for 10 years and pay a $500 fine.  He is also subject to an additional $2,850 fine if he violates those terms.

Since January 2009, similar action taken by the Missouri Department of Agriculture have resulted in more than 5,600 dogs being removed from substandard conditions and placed with licensed animal shelters and rescue organizations..


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