Thursday, October 13, 2011

Puppy Mills: Macerich Shopping Malls Ban Pet Sales

According to Global Animal, shopping center developer Macerich is banning sales of live animals in more than 70 shopping malls across the United States.  Macerich confrmed to Global Animal that they will not renew the leases of existing pet stores that sell animals and in their place, are opening humane stores offering adoptions of rescued pets.

Some of the high profile shopping malls include Los Angeles' Westside Pavilion, which is opening a rescue store this month in association with the nonprofit Friends of LA shelters, Scottsdale's Fashion Square, Chesterfield Towne Center in Richmond, Virginia.

This new humane policy designed to break the puppy mill business chain is taking effect nationwide within 30 days.  Read more about it at Global Animal and see the 70+ shopping malls nationwide that will be part of the pet sale ban.

1 comment:

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