Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Dog Book Author Raises Money for Stray Rescue St Louis

 Stray Rescue Founder, Randy Grimm, checks out the new dog book Travels with Casey by Benoit Danizet Lewis  ©StrayRescue

New York Times Magazine writer Benoit Denizet-Lewis worried that his dog, Casey, didn't like him very much.  So Benoit rented an RV, lured Casey inside with treats, and embarked on a 13,000 mile road trip designed to help them bond.  

Along the way they spent time with wolf-dogs in Appalachia, dedicated stray dog rescuer Randy Grim, got pulled over by a K9 cop in Missouri,  visited Cesar Millan and so much more.  The result is Travels with Casey: My Journey Through Our Dog-Crazy Country.
Benoit spent a full week with Randy Grim, founder of Stray Rescue of St Louis, his staff and volunteers, rescuing stray and feral dogs in East St Louis, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in our country.  Randy has devoted his life to the dogs society has forgotten.

Benoit has set up a Dream at DreamFund to benefit Stray Rescue of St Louis.  All monies raised will go directly to rescuing, feeding, and rehabilitating dogs helped by Stray Rescue.  Benoit hopes to raise $5,000 by August 20, 2014.

Check out this video of Benoit's time with Randy Grim:

Contribute to the Dream for Stray Rescue!


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