Monday, December 2, 2013

Mutts are My Favorite Dog Breed | National Mutt Day 2013

Today we're celebrating National Mutt Day!

A mutt is a dog of unknown ancestry that belongs to no single organizationally recognized breed and is not the result of selective breeding according to Wikipedia.

I grew up with purebred dogs.  Blackie Duke was a Labrador Retriever.  Skippy was a Cocker Spaniel.  Snoopy was a Beagle.  All pedigreed, papered and purchased from responsible dog breeders.

When I left for college I was deeply in love with my mom's (purebred and registered) Dachshund.

However, my own first dog was a mutt and a shelter dog.  Benji was a mix of dog breeds that included German Shepherd and Doberman.  I adored him.  He road shotgun in my life voyage as a young adult.

Want a unique dog?  How about the sweetness of a Golden Retriever with the spicey smartness of a Border Collie, plus so much more?  Head to your nearest animal shelter.   That's where I met and fell in love with my Jeffie.  He's one in a series of mutts who have made my life richer.

National Mutt Day was created in 2005  by Colleen Paige, Celebrity Pet Expert and Animal Welfare Expert.  The day which takes place on December 2 each year is about celebrating mixed breed dogs - the mutt! Sadly, the largest number of dogs euthanized in animal shelters each year are unwanted, medium to large mixed breed dogs.
In every heart there is a hole...
in every shelter there is LOVE to fill it.
                                                                   ~ Colleen Paige
The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the plight of mixed breed dogs in shelters around the USA and to educate the public about the number of mixed breed dogs that are waiting to be given a loving and caring home.

This December, on National Mutt Day, we hope you'll visit your local shelter.  Adopt a mixed breed dog or make a donation of money, time, or needed supplies.

Talking Dogs is the official blog of For Love of a Dog Jewelry.


  1. We love big mutts and we cannot lie! (We love small mutts too... and medium mutts.) I didn't realize it was National Mutt Day. Rita and I will be sure to celebrate! Hugs to your mutts!

  2. Happy National Mutt Day! I love those faces!

  3. We are all purebreds, but Mom loves mutts just as much. She never planned on having anything but mutts from the shelter, but it has happened and we are happy, but she would take a mutt any day!

  4. Happy Mutts day. Although I'm a full mallie, mummy and daddy would easily have had a mutt given the chance. All dogs are fab no matter the breed or breeds :-)

  5. Happy Mutt Day! Duke is a mutt and I love him for it!

  6. Chamois was my first mutt. She is so pretty that people were disappointed when we told them she is a mutt. Finally we came up with miniature Albanian Wolfhound. They were happy and impressed.

  7. You had a pretty special mutt and you have a couple of special ones now. Love the pictures.

  8. I have had 3 mutts before I got Laika (German shephard). The mutts died when they were 14, 17 and 14 years old. I love mutts.

  9. Mutts are awesome and I always enjoy reading about yours!

  10. I feel so ignorant. I didn't know there was such a thing as National Mutt Day! I even went to google to check. LOL!

    Happy belated Mutt Day everyone! They're such great beings.

  11. Our first two dogs were mutts, and they were great! The next 4 ended up being purebreds, but we didn't really plan it that way. Now we will be adopting a mutt at the beginning of the year, and I'm pretty happy about it. We can't wait to see what he grows into!

  12. How did I miss National Mutt Day! :( I love mutts. I miss my Lab/Border Collie mix Smokey, my Beagle mix Huckleberry, my I-have-no-idea-what-kind-of-dog-she-was Becky Anne, my Chow/Shepherd mix Achilles, my Rottie mix Sheba, and, of course, my Chow/Shep/Lab/BC mix Sephi. The mutt with me today is my Aussie/BC mix Pierson.


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