Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Pleasures Songs about Dogs

It is hot.  No, I mean really hot.  Heat index well over 100 degrees every day.   Our senior canines, Tucker and Lucy, manage to run their patrol route around the yard very slowly venturing from shady spot to shady spot.  Jeffie ignores the heat for the most part, but has decided his favorite yard spot in under the (big) mimosa.  Of course, they, like we humans are staying inside in the a.c. as much as possible.

One of our indoor pleasures is to take the time to relax and resume our search for songs about dogs.  I know, it sounds crazy, but we like songs about dogs.  In fact, each of our dogs has it's own song... except Jeffie.  Most of them are pretty silly.  But we sing them and remember old friends who've long since crossed the rainbow bridge. 

Browsing the web gives us inspiration and I predict that soon, very soon, Jeffie will have his own song.  In the meantime, we feel like sharing one of our favorite dog songs.  Nellie McKay's Dog Song is just plain fun and promotes the excellent idea of rescuing a dog from prison (a shelter).  Our dogs love the panting and barking!

1 comment:

Go ahead... bark at us!